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Rising Above the Mud: How to Focus on the Bigger Picture in Life

Margaret Page

Life has a way of pulling us in different directions, sometimes taking us to the heights of joy and at other times dragging us through the mud of negativity. We've all experienced moments where, despite the beautiful things happening around us, our minds fixate on unpleasant interactions or challenging situations. In these moments, it’s easy to get stuck, mired in the negativity, much like a pelican caught in the mud of a canal, unable to take flight.

In a recent conversation with a dear friend, I was reminded of this very scenario. Despite the positive aspects of her life, she continually revisited minor negative interactions. She was "chunking down" into the details of what had gone wrong. I gently suggested a shift in focus—to "chunk up" and see the bigger picture. What is the desired outcome? Where do you want your energy to go?

This conversation—and a pelican I saw stuck in the canal mud on my morning walk—highlighted a universal truth: sometimes, we need to rise above and keep our eyes on the prize. Here’s how you can, too.

1. Acknowledge but Don’t Dwell

First, let’s be clear—negative emotions are valid. When unpleasant things happen, it’s natural to feel disappointed, hurt, or even angry. Allow those feelings to wash over you. But as I often tell my coaching clients, feeling emotions and becoming trapped by them are two very different things. Don’t let those emotions anchor you in the mud. Once acknowledged, let them flow through you like water, so you can refocus on your goals.

2. Shift Your Perspective: Chunk Up

When my friend kept focusing on minor negative interactions, I encouraged her to "chunk up" to the big picture. What’s the larger outcome she’s after? What is the vision for her life, and do these little interactions even matter in that grand vision?

When you’re stuck, try this: zoom out. Ask yourself what your ultimate goals are. Does dwelling on this negativity help you achieve them? Shifting focus from the minutiae to the broader goal can help reframe your mindset and lift you out of the mud.

3. Keep Your Focus on the Prize

It’s one thing to have a desired outcome in mind and another to stay focused on it. We all face distractions, setbacks, and frustrations. The key is not letting them take center stage.

When you feel mired in negativity, remind yourself of the prize—the thing you truly want. Whether it’s a career milestone, a personal goal, or inner peace, keep it front and center. When your focus shifts toward that goal, the pull of negativity weakens, and it becomes easier to stay on track.

4. Rise Above: The Pelican Lesson

The image of the pelican mired in the canal’s mud felt symbolic. Much like that bird, we sometimes find ourselves stuck, unable to rise. But pelicans are designed to soar, not stay grounded in muck. So are we.

To rise above negativity, adopt a mindset of elevation. When negativity drags you down, imagine yourself rising above it—just as the pelican could lift off with a flap of its wings. Elevate your thoughts, shift your focus, and realign with your goals.

5. Practice Conscious Redirection

Rewiring your brain to focus on the positive and the bigger picture takes practice. When you catch yourself ruminating on negativity, consciously redirect your thoughts. Acknowledge what’s bothering you, but then actively shift your attention toward solutions, gratitude, or your ultimate goals.

This doesn’t mean suppressing negative emotions; it’s about not letting them dominate your mind. A daily walk, journaling, or speaking to a friend or coach can help in this process.

6. Embrace the Power of Letting Go

The ability to let go is a superpower in personal development. It’s easier said than done, but when mastered, it allows you to move through life with grace. Let go of the things that don’t serve you, whether it’s resentment, grudges, or small-mindedness. As I’ve experienced in my own life and in the lives of my clients, letting go frees up energy to focus on what truly matters.

Conclusion: Soar Higher, Stay Focused

Just like the pelican, you were made to rise, not stay stuck in the mud. While life will inevitably present challenges and unpleasant interactions, you have the power to focus on the bigger picture and stay aligned with your goals. By acknowledging your emotions, shifting perspective, and keeping your eye on the prize, you can rise above and soar toward the life you truly desire.

Stay focused, rise higher, and remember—you’re stronger than the mud.

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