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  • Margaret Page

7 Books and Podcasts That Transformed My Thinking in 2023

Something unexpected happened this year — I began listening to more podcasts and reading fewer books. The world of podcasting is so varied and interesting these days! If I want to take a deep dive into a topic, I choose a show and settle in for five or 10 or 30 episodes. I don’t think podcasts will ever take the place of my beloved books, but they’ve been the perfect solution for my on-the-go year. Here are five podcasts and two books that piqued my interest and challenged my thinking in 2023.

Imagine medical care designed specifically for your unique needs and body. Could you add decades to your life or squeeze more out of every day? This book explores rapid breakthroughs in precision medicine, also known as personalized medicine, and uncovers how tailor-made treatments could revolutionize healthcare. Robbins and his co-authors argue that genetic treatments, preventive medicine, and customized approaches could be the keys to living our best lives. As someone who prioritizes my health and well-being, I put this down feeling hopeful that medical advances could benefit millions of people around the globe.

If you’re someone who likes to tick off goals — and gets frustrated if you don’t achieve them — this book could be a gamechanger. The “gap,” in this case, refers to where we want to be. The problem, the authors argue, is that we don’t always recognize the “gain” we’re making in trying to close the gap. If you’d like to embrace the journey and celebrate your accomplishments while cultivating a fulfilling mindset, this is worth the read.

This podcast is a deep dive into the complexities of the human brain, including neuroplasticity, sleep optimization, and performance enhancement. Dr. Huberman is a Stanford neuroscientist who manages to make incredibly complex topics engaging and easy to understand, all while providing troves of data and scientific rigor. The guests he features are at the top of their games; if you’re like me, you’ll be fascinated from your first listen.

Through her books, website, and podcast, Mignon Fogarty has become one of the best-known English-language grammarians in the world. Forget the stuffy rules your teachers made you memorize. Mignon brings clarity through her hands-on, easy-to-understand approach (and thankfully, she breaks complex topics up into easy-to-digest bites). If you’re interested in engaging with English in a rich, fulfilling way — rather than just relying on AI tools — you’ll love this podcast. 

Jim Kwik, renowned brain coach and memory expert, is on a mission to unlock your brain’s full potential. I’m always searching for ways to take in, process, and memorize information more quickly (no pun intended). Kwik provides the tools and methods I need to make progress. This podcast is especially useful on days when I feel mentally sluggish: I immediately feel armed with the knowledge I need to make positive changes.

Phil and Danielle Town are a father-daughter duo who make the complex world of investing simple and actionable. I’ve been an entrepreneur and an investor since I was in my early 20s, but when I listen to this podcast I realize there’s still so much left for me to learn. No matter where you are in your financial journey, this podcast will provide empowering strategies to help your money grow intelligently (and at roughly 30 minutes each, they’re short enough to listen to while commuting or doing errands — it’s like making money on the run).

Dr. David Sinclair is a leading expert in aging and longevity who hosts the Lifespan Podcast with Matthew LaPlante. If your goal is to live well into your 80s or 90s (or beyond), you’ll find this podcast fascinating. You’ll discover the latest in longevity science, cellular health, and practical lifestyle changes that are proven to help you age better both physically and mentally. I quickly worked my way through Season 1, which came out in 2022, and I’m hopeful there’s a Season 2 in the works. But even if there isn’t, it’s still worth a listen for the sheer amount of insights and action items.

Which books and podcasts made a difference in your life in 2023, and why? I’m always interested in hearing and reading more, so please share your favorites in the comments below.

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